Friday, October 28, 2011

WI #23: Moving Along

This week was a small loss week compared to other weeks, but still good all things considered. It's been an emotional week for me and I've slipped up more then a couple times. My body is letting me know it doesn't like it either. It doesn't help that it's Halloween soon so there's candy available (bought for the trick or treaters, of course). Don't worry, I only had 4 or 5 pieces, not all at the same time, and I've had my hubby hide the rest so I'm not tempted anymore.

Seeing 283.8 on the scale seems so unreal. I weighed myself a couple times, move the scale and reset it to be sure. Then I cursed it for not being 283.6 so I can say I lost 31 pounds...haha I can't believe that I'm getting closer to being out of the 280s, over half way there. Getting closer to my 2nd child pre-pregnancy weight. Woohoo! I love hitting milestones :)

So my week in a nutshell: Emotional, made mistakes, lost less then a pound. With Halloween coming up, I'm in trouble.

Starting Weight: 314.6
Current Weight: 283.8
Total Lost: 30.8

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WI #21: Backslide

I know this post is a few days late. I've never made jam before, so I'm going crazy making healthier versions then store bought for my family. That, and I didn't want to post because I had a gain this week. *sob* It's ok, I guess. I keep telling myself that. I gained 0.8 lbs :( Anyways, back to the

Starting Weight: 314.6
Current Weight: 287
Total Weight Lost: 27.4

Friday, October 7, 2011

WI #20: Hit Another Milestone

I was a little surprised when I stepped on the scale this morning. It read 286.2, which means I lost 2.4 pounds this week. I lost over 2 pounds two weeks in a row. Wow!

I achieved another milestone this week. I have now lost the weight that I put on due to emotional eating. I weigh what I did after my daughter was born. Actually, I weigh less. I exceeded my goal of 287 pounds for this week. Woohoo!

I can't believe I'm only 1.6 pounds away from 30 pounds lost. It seems so surreal. Fingers crossed that I'll reach it next week. However, seeing as the last 2 weeks have been big weeks, I won't be surprised if it's a small loss next week. I'll be disappointed it if it, but won't be surprised. I'm still keeping my fingers, toes, eyes, whatever crossed. Come on 30 pounds!

Starting Weight: 314.6
Current Weight: 286.2
Total Weight Lost: 28.4

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

He's Cramping My Style

Ok, not really. I'm always posting about my weight loss, so I thought I'd post about someone else's hubby :)

So hubby is not really cramping my style, but being a man, he makes me jealous sometimes. It's like that Slim Quick commercial (I think that is the one). They make one change and the guy drops a ton of weight while the girl loses only a little. My hubby makes it look so

I'm proud of my hubby. He has been supportive of me, albeit a little skeptical at times, about the changes we've made. He'll tell you he cheats a lot, but as of this week he's lost 30 pounds. He'd like to lose another 10 to 15 pounds because his knees didn't bother him when he was that weight before. He said he'd also be happy if it was only a few more pounds too because his belt is at that spot where one hole is too loose and the smaller hole is too tight. Yesterday, he was able to put on his size 32 jeans.

So this is my shout out to my hubby. Thanks for the support babe, I'm excited that you're on this journey with me. Congratulations on losing 30 pounds!

Friday, September 30, 2011

WI #19: Made It To 25 Pounds...And Then Some

I'm such an over achiever. I should be super excited, but I'm a little bummed at the same time. Here it goes:

I made it to 25 pounds! So I posted about it four days ago. I didn't completely jinx myself to much :) Actually I made it to 26 pounds this week. Two days ago I was almost to 27 pounds. So I'm bummed that my weight fluctuated up a little bit. It's perfectly natural, hence why I only count what I weigh on Fridays, but it would have been so awesome, ok...even more awesome, to say I made it to 27 pounds this week. Fingers crossed for next week. Moving on.

I made it past my 25 pound mark this week! Woohoo! Yippie! I'm totally rocking it! I also made it out of the 290s this week. Two milestones in one week! I'm really rocking it :) Moving on to 30 pounds and 270s. I lost 2.8 pounds this week. Made up for last weeks gain :) Woohoo!

I so feel like I'm rambling tonight, so I better end this before it gets

Starting Weight: 314.6
Current Weight 288.6
Total Pounds Lost: 26

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thank You!

Today I want to send a BIG Thank You! to all my supporters. It feels good to know I have friends who care about me, especially on my journey to getting healthy. You make me feel better and help me to pick myself up and keep going when I start feeling down. I appreciate the all the kind words and praise you give me. Once again: